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Baby Ashlan. Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

I love little Ashlan and her blonde hair!! My husband and I are friends with Ashlans mom and dad- Meredith and Derek. They are such a sweet family. Here are some photos from a recent shoot with this cute baby girl.

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

Murfreesboro, Tennessee Children Photography

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Learn How to Shoot in Manual Mode! PART I

I have noticed that many children photographers started shooting professionally shortly after having children. Sure, you can control your schedule and hours as a photographer, which is great for mamas. But, I know that I started to really learn photography and go beyond just my love of taking photos after having Ryder because I wanted to be able to capture as many of the precious moments of him growing up as I could. 

It’s amazing how accessible great cameras are these days, several of my friends have nice digital SLRs. The problem is, you get the camera and then say to yourself, how the heck do I use this thing? Yeah, there is a manual book, but that’s about the dryest read ever

If this sounds like you, I’m hoping to get you going in the right direction to take some amazing and memorable photos of your kiddo(s) in this post series. I’m a visual learner for sure, and when I saw the poster below, I was so excited! This gives you the basics of shooting in manual mode on your camera. I’m going to try and go more in depth for exposure, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. I’ll talk about each in a different blog post. So, it’s a great time to subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already. Here’s my disclaimer- I have not been formally taught so, I most definitely will not use all the correct lingo, but I will give it my best shot! 

When you are looking through the viewfinder of your camera, you should see your light meter with a zero in the middle and tick marks on either side- +1, +2..on the right and -1, -2.. on the left. When you press your shutter button half way down before you take the photo to trigger your auto focus, you will see a tick mark move to one of these numbers or in between. You want to try and keep that moving tick mark on zero for correct exposure. If your tick mark is on the right side of zero your photo will be overexposed (too bright). If you tick mark is on the left side of zero, your photo will be underexposed (too dark). Sometimes, I might slightly overexpose to avoid the skin being too dark.
When you need to change your exposure and move your tick mark to the right or left, this is when aperture, shutter speed, and ISO come into play. They all work together to control exposure. So, tune in next time, and we will talk about Aperture!
Leave a comment and tell me what kind of camera you use to photography your children! Thanks for reading!

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Lee Family- Murfreesboro, TN Children Photographer

Shawn Lee, the mama of this family, is my sister-in-law's cousin. Shawn, Brian, and little Brayden were in town for my niece's 1st birthday party. So, I was lucky and got to take some family photos. Brayden is all boy and wanted to run and throw things. While we were taking the photos with the chalkboard, he kept trying to throw the chair off the porch, it was hilarious. Love this family! Hope you like the photos :)

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I Love Rainy Days! Murfreesboro, TN Childrens Photographer

After some good summer rain this weekend, I took my son, Ryder, out to play and snapped a few photos of him being his little boy self. This involved a lot of splashing and jumping :)
Murfreesboro, TN Children Photography

Murfreesboro, TN Children Photography

Murfreesboro, TN Children Photography

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The Whimsy Willow Photo Contest- Win a FREE Fall Photo Session!

Fall is definitely my favorite time of year! Cooler weather, fall festivals, pumpkin patches..mmmm, yummy. In celebration of a wonderful summer and the fall that is coming, I'm hosting a photo contest and giving away a photo session!

Here's how to enter and WIN:
- "Like" The Whimsy Willow on Facebook.
-Email your favorite photo of your kiddo to jennyadellwilliams@gmail.com. I will post all entries in a Photo Contest photo album on The Whimsy Willow Facebook page.
- Post a message to your Facebook profile linking your friends to your photo entry in the album asking them to "like" The Whimsy Willow and your photo. And, you can take other measures, such as email, to tell your friends :)

The photo with the most "likes" wins the FREE photo session ($75 value)!

small print:
-Contest ends August 31, 2011 at 11:59 PM (CST).
-Winner will be announced September 1, 2011. I will send the winner a message on Facebook.
-If the winner does not respond and claim the prize by September 8, 2011, the photo with the 2nd most "likes" will be chosen.
-This contest is in no way endorsed by Facebook.


Customize a Photo Board Book of Your Little One for $20!

My sister-in-law told me last night that she wishes she could make a board book of photos for her little girl, Lola, who loves to look at photos of herself but isn't too kind to paper pages of a regular book. I found this company called Pint Sized Productions that makes adorable custom photo board books, you just insert the photos and text and BAM! you have a story book all about your little guy or girl :) And, for only about $20, even better! Click here to check out the custom board book product page.
Photo Board Book Example

 I know that we have several of Sandra Boynton's books on our shelf- Ryder especially loves The Barnyard Dance. On this website, you can customize a Boynton book! I will definitely have to order some books for Ryder. Tell me, what is your child's favorite book?

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Vacation Sunset Beach Photos and More

My family went on a much needed vacation in July to Hilton Head Island. If you've never been there, I would definitely recommend it! We stayed in Sea Pines and absolutely loved the 20 miles of tree shaded bike trails and all of the family friendly concerts and such. I wanted to get some photos of my little boy, Ryder, while we were there. Here are a few :)..

Beach Photography, Murfreesboro Tennessee Photographer

Beach Photography, Murfreesboro Tennessee Photographer

Beach Photography, Murfreesboro Tennessee Photographer

Beach Photography, Murfreesboro Tennessee Photographer

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Beautiful Baby Summer

My friends Kristi and Jake Owen just had their sweet baby girl, Summer, weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 1/8 inches long. She is so sweet- doing her thing- sleeping, eating, then sleeping again. Kristi looked so natural carrying her around. She is an amazing mommy. Here are a few of the shots of Summer. It was blazing hot and humid but so worth it!


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